A company with many years of experience in uranium processing, production of transport and storage containers for sources of ionizing radiation, and many more services.

UJP PRAHA a.s. historically continues the activities of the former Institute of Nuclear Fuels, gradually incorporating activities from many other fields into its portfolio. Among the most important are our extensive and long-standing experience in processing uranium and other materials for shielding protection, the production of transport and storage containers for sources of ionizing radiation, and a broad portfolio of products and services.

The engineering production at the company is based on the results of its own research and development across many sectors, such as aviation, the energy industry, the chemical industry, petrochemicals, and mechanical engineering. The advanced technology for processing metallic uranium through melting, alloying, machining, surface protection of uranium, uranium parts, and products made from metallic depleted uranium has been and continues to be further developed here. UJP PRAHA a.s., as the only facility in the Czech Republic, offers a wide range of transport and storage containers for radioactive sources utilizing the shielding properties of metallic uranium, lead, and tungsten, as well as shielding parts made of metallic uranium, small uranium products, and uranium compounds for both domestic and international markets.

In the field of medical devices, UJP PRAHA a.s. specializes in products utilizing ionizing radiation. The main products are radiotherapy cobalt unit and related devices and software for radiotherapy.

LDS UJP PRAHA a.s., as the holder of license no. 120 203 488 for electricity distribution, does not anticipate any development in the years 2021–2025 inclusive.



Visit from Tanzania

We were visited by the Tanzanian Minister of Foreign Affairs along with his delegation.


PF 2025

Marry X-mass and Happy New Year 2025.

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