Industrial services
The portfolio of services offered to industry includes many different areas that UJP Praha, as deals with, for example:
Engineering production
Equipment of production halls
- lathes, milling machines and horizontal boring machines
- locksmith workplaces including presses, benders, etc.
- prototype workshop with 3D printer
- welding workplace (TIG, MAG, electrode, flame) with required certification according to European standards (possibility of AISI certification)
Design office
- offers the development of the product from prototype production to the introduction of production production including consultation of technological possibilities
- offers the preparation of technological processes including welding (including WPS)
- works with modern CAD software (Pro / Engineer, Creo) including basic structural analysis
Construction accident
The construction accident field covers a wide range of activities dealing with the search of causes of failure in the material, causes of unsatisfactory mechanical and physical properties of the parts and products operated. Looks for causes of defects and causes of inappropriate material properties. Based on these, it makes recommendations for improving the condition.
Focus of programs
- determination of the causes of breakage (cracks) in the parts and products operated on the basis of microstructure analysis,
- mechanical properties and fractographic analysis of fracture surfaces
- elaboration of expert opinions, including nuclear energy
- determining the causes of increased wear of parts
- determining the causes of unsatisfactory product properties, optimizing material choice and heat treatment
- Material certificates including supplies for nuclear power
- We provide defectoscopy work
The non-destructive control of material called defectoscopy is a method of searching for surface and internal defects of the material without the necessity of breaking it. It is an important part of quality control and management in industry, applied not only in the control of building structures, in the mechanical or chemical industry but also in the nuclear industry, aerospace industry, etc.
Depending on the test method, defectoscopy is divided into different types, one of these are also radiological defectoscopy. The principle of this method is a control based on radiation of gamma-ray material using radionuclides, most often Iridium-192 and Selen-75.
UJP PRAHA as offers the following services in this field
- Tested dual delivery of defectoscopes 60, exerts dual 120, a power S4p RID-100
- supply of radiators, replacement of so-called over-storage, storage, disposal
- inspection of defectoscopy covers (long-term stability tests – ZDS), URZ certificate
- acceptance tests
- ADR transport
- we also offer: measurement of radiation in the workplace (dosimetric service), expert counseling services, supervising services, radiation protection training, emergency services